Monday, 24 February 2014

hectic days

This week is test week for us journalism students and it is super hectic at the moment simply because we all know how important first tests are and we are expected to put a lot of effort since it is our final year. well i guess we have no choice because no one wants to come back next year for one module. One thing i have learned in my life is that hard work pays no matter what. let me sign out and go back to studying. stay blessed

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

I'm over the moon that now i have my own blog where i am going to post and write updates on every issue that interests me, thanks to the technology we have. My name is Nomvula Portia Ndamoyi, i am studying media journalism at the University of the Free State and i am now on my third year of study. i enjoy watching news, socializing and reading different kinds of books and my favorite novel is adventures in journalism. i am scared of heights and i enjoy swimming. well that's me and i'm feeling home already. stay blessed everyone