Monday, 14 April 2014

A better South Africa

Crime causation in the Free State looking at the South African context

By Nomvula Ndamoyi

“He who opens a school door closes a prison” (quoted by Victor Huge) the world we are living in has had many hardships that have left many in difficult positions. After twenty years of democracy in South Africa, Free State is one of the provinces still battling with its economy which is a huge disadvantage to its youth because of the limited opportunities available to them to pursue their cultural goals.

The economy of the province depends on the following sectors as their potential growth sectors: Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Chemical, Tourism, Business processes outsourcing, Contact Centre, Logistic and Transport. The youth plays a very significant role in implementing new ideas and structures to make the province a better place to be because they are the future of tomorrow but with no opportunities they cannot pursue these dreams.

South Africa is facing a high crime rate due to the lack of job opportunities, low level of education and low income rates and a high population rate. Crime is not caused or committed because of drugs and alcohol use but simply because of the limit access of the better opportunities in life especially to those who are living in the lower class, staying at the squatter camps with large family members. It is important we as South Africans we work together to prevent crime.

 We can only do this by creating job opportunities and giving the youth the opportunity to further their education because some youth drop out of school without even completing grade twelve due to the fact that they are going to school hungry and that makes their performance weak  because they lack concentration and they end up failing then deciding to stay home and as soon as you’re staying home you get bored and look for other illegitimate opportunities to earn a living because you are failing to make the best of your life in a legitimate way, that is where the youth start committing crime and ending up in jail. It is important that we should create special projects that seek to raise awareness to the parents and community about the causes of crime. Some parents don’t know about how diet can influence crime because a good diet is good for the brain. Also work on the dysfunctional families because that is also a cause of crime, when a family doesn't have rules and norms also values that should be followed it is very easy for them to become offenders because they cannot differentiate between what is right from wrong. We need to also involve the government to help us on how to tackle the problem by creating or developing opportunities for the youth. To help the community to not look at crime as one way stream of making a living.

Perseverance is the mother of success

Perseverance is the mother of success

There is nothing you cannot do if you have the world

It is every parents dream to do their best for their child’s future by encouraging and motivating them in any circumstance they face in life. The University of the Free State held its firth autumn graduation ceremony for the faculty of education in April 10, 2014 held at the Callie Human, where the University was honored to give the students who accomplished their dreams certificates for their hard work.

The ceremony started at half past two in the evening. People were expected to arrive on time in order when the ceremony begins everyone is seated. The M.C started by reading the rules to everyone of what was expected of them such as switching of the cell phones when the ceremony proceeds and no up and down in order to show respect.
 The rector of the University of the Free State professor Jonathan D. Jansen gave a short welcome to the people who attended the ceremony and the M.C proceeded with his job. There was a band that was playing a very beautiful music and before the graduates entered Callie Human they were led by the drum music players then they followed and seated in alphabetical order then professors followed and the rector. There were two secondary high schools who also attended the ceremony to get the inspiration and hopefully to be motivated to come here at the University to complete their studies.

 The first spokesperson was Lucas Sithole who is a professional rugby and basketball player, blessed everyone with motivational speech, his from new Castle was born normal and was a child full of dreams and wanted to see the world as he was a soccer player but was not that perfect in it but in 1988 he had a train accident were he lost both his legs. He stated that he doesn't see himself as disabled but just physically challenged. “you have dreamed and today your dream came true but you haven’t reached your main goal but this is a good start to reach your destiny and this gives you hope for the future” he says, education is a key to everything even if you’re spoiled. He concluded his speech by saying” we all dream but it’s up to us to remain asleep or you wake up and chase your dream and make it come true.

 The graduates were awarded their certificates then professor Jansen gave a vote of thanks and told the graduates and everyone who was there that it is important for an individual to know what is right from wrong not by the color of the skin. Whatever decisions you have to come across it is important to do what is right and since the graduates were the education students who are going to become teachers he told them that it is important to make it on time at work and not to make excuses.  The band closed with the national anthem then we went our separate ways. That was all about the autumn graduations. 


Fight for what you deserve, life DOESN'T 
come with a remote control, you need to stand up and change it yourself

By Nomvula Ndamoyi

Miss Chapeyane is a twenty two years old female. She originally comes from Zimbabwe but is here in South Africa to further her studies. She is a third year student at the University of the Free State; she enrolled to Media studies in journalism. She stays at the Akasia hostel on campus. She usually spends most of her time studying and doing assignments as the work load is very hectic and she is looking forward in graduating so she keeps herself motivated all the time because she has a vision for her life.

Her hobbies are watching television, reading newspapers, listening to music. Every day when she wakes up in the morning the first thing she does is pray to thank God for giving her another day.  She then fixes herself a breakfast after taking a shower because she knows breakfast is a good way to start a day. She then attends her classes according to the schedule of the day, when she has free time she goes to the library and prepares for the next class or makes notes for the upcoming test.

She stated that the reason why she chose South Africa and not her country Zimbabwe to further her educations is because, Zimbabwe has limited opportunities and it is very hard especially for the students who study journalism, there is no freedom of speech or freedom of expression in Zimbabwe everything is done according to the word go of the president Mugabe.
Miss Chapeyane is a very interesting student who associates herself with people who inspire her and who share the same goal as hers. She wants to work here in South Africa as an investigative journalist after graduating but does not mind working as a journalist first but she specially want to work for a newspaper news room not radio journalist because she is more passionate about writing. She wants to be an investigative journalist because she wants to expose those who commit corruption and her goal is to make South Africa a better place to live in. She states that South Africa is a very interesting country because it is trying its level best to get rid of discrimination and racism.

What makes Miss Chapeyane different from other upcoming and current journalist is her vision. Her aim is to give the most accurate news to the readers and to be the voice for those who are voiceless. To be a strict watchdog of the government and report any corruption that is being committed and not to take bribery from anyone no matter what the circumstances might be because it is obvious to anyone that journalist don’t earn much which she believes is the main reason why they take bribes and not publish the accurate stories
Her final advise she wants to give to those girls who look like her, who come from the poor background is that “it is important to have dreams and see yourself as a person you really want to be but the best thing is making that dream come true” don’t let your background define you, change your life if you don’t like it this is a free country and you have every right to study wherever you want and do whatever you want. If you feel you don’t like how things are done don’t wait for someone to come and change it, stand up and do it yourself or else you will complain for the rest of your life and blaming other people. don't let life decide for you, we are all authors of our lives so its important to make sure the ending is what you have always wanted.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Fashion week on campus

Stylish Leggings rock on campus 

Many students are so in love with leggings and they have become the latest trend on campus. Leggings have now replaced jeans because students feel more comfortable and flexible when they are wearing leggings. Bloemfontein weather is not predictable one minute is cold and the next is hot, leggings can be worn anytime anywhere. Leggings are super comfortable, cool-looking and body friendly. They don’t have a specific body type or size, they accommodate every individual but what is important is the top you are wearing your leggings with, if you know you’re a not slender it is important to wear longer tops in order to look good and to cover your body. Leggings can be worn with any type of shoes that is one of the benefits for the students; not being worried about what shoes to wear their worry is all about the school work and meeting deadlines. Leggings differ from tights by their length; usually stop at the ankle or mid-calf. Leggings are made of heavier material; as a result they can often be worn on their own. The idea of having leggings come out of tights but designers preferred to make tights that will be suitable to wear as jeans not something you wear underneath. They are often made of thick, elasticized material that hugs the legs close the way tights do. They are made to support and send structure to the leg much the way pants would. Many are designed with thick waistbands, structured and reinforced crotched. Students don’t need to worry about buying belts and for students leggings are much more affordable. You can wear leggings with professional attire; they are generally seen as more casual. Leggings come in different styles, for instance graphic prints, jeans and different colors.  They are perfect for girls who want to wear short dresses and skirts and yet hate showing their legs. Ideal for wearing to create a chic and trendy look for younger woman as they can be teamed with just about anything. They are perfect for keeping your legs warm in the autumn and winter, particularly when worn with knee or ankle boots. I have interviewed a few students just to know their views on leggings . the first student was not happy when i wanted to take a photo of her which i respected but her view was that, she love leggings  because they are also comfortable to gym with. 
Kediemetsi Mohapi
she love leggings because they are body friendly
Nomawethu Sethu
leggings are cool looking 

Lerato Sani
love leggings because they are dope

Nomathamsanqa Ntili

Miss Ntili love leggings because they are comfortable

Perseverance is a mother of success

Hi, my name is Nomvula Ndamoyi. I am a student at the University of the Free State, studying media studies but majoring in Journalism. My main interest is reading and writing and I would like to work for SABC after I graduate. My favorite class is applied multimedia journalism, because the lecture is very interesting and energetic. I study all my modules hard to help me fulfill my ambition. My first experience with computers was when I was in high school and I often use the internet to search for information for my assignments. I live in Bloemfontein with my parents. It takes me about an hour and few minutes to get on campus. I often read in the taxi to keep myself busy or maybe use that opportunity to check my blog, Facebook and tweeter. My family consists of my step father, my mother, my sister and my daughter. My father is a teacher at Lereko high school and my mother is assistance at the University of the Free State, in the department of Sports and Science. My sister is doing her first year at the University and my daughter is at pre-school. My hobbies are reading books and magazines, listening to radio, and watching TV. I do not travel that much but I love to travel even though I have never been in the United States one day I will take a trip there. I am very much interested in discussing general issues but I am not a big fan of politics not that I hate politics but I just don’t pay too much attention to them because I personally feel it is a very dangerous game, most of things they don’t end well. I will really appreciate to make friends especially with those that we share the same things, in order to talk about issues that are facing us daily also what we do and think of life. That’s all about me

Best regards

Nomvula Ndamoyi

Monday, 24 February 2014

hectic days

This week is test week for us journalism students and it is super hectic at the moment simply because we all know how important first tests are and we are expected to put a lot of effort since it is our final year. well i guess we have no choice because no one wants to come back next year for one module. One thing i have learned in my life is that hard work pays no matter what. let me sign out and go back to studying. stay blessed

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

I'm over the moon that now i have my own blog where i am going to post and write updates on every issue that interests me, thanks to the technology we have. My name is Nomvula Portia Ndamoyi, i am studying media journalism at the University of the Free State and i am now on my third year of study. i enjoy watching news, socializing and reading different kinds of books and my favorite novel is adventures in journalism. i am scared of heights and i enjoy swimming. well that's me and i'm feeling home already. stay blessed everyone