Monday, 14 April 2014

Perseverance is the mother of success

Perseverance is the mother of success

There is nothing you cannot do if you have the world

It is every parents dream to do their best for their child’s future by encouraging and motivating them in any circumstance they face in life. The University of the Free State held its firth autumn graduation ceremony for the faculty of education in April 10, 2014 held at the Callie Human, where the University was honored to give the students who accomplished their dreams certificates for their hard work.

The ceremony started at half past two in the evening. People were expected to arrive on time in order when the ceremony begins everyone is seated. The M.C started by reading the rules to everyone of what was expected of them such as switching of the cell phones when the ceremony proceeds and no up and down in order to show respect.
 The rector of the University of the Free State professor Jonathan D. Jansen gave a short welcome to the people who attended the ceremony and the M.C proceeded with his job. There was a band that was playing a very beautiful music and before the graduates entered Callie Human they were led by the drum music players then they followed and seated in alphabetical order then professors followed and the rector. There were two secondary high schools who also attended the ceremony to get the inspiration and hopefully to be motivated to come here at the University to complete their studies.

 The first spokesperson was Lucas Sithole who is a professional rugby and basketball player, blessed everyone with motivational speech, his from new Castle was born normal and was a child full of dreams and wanted to see the world as he was a soccer player but was not that perfect in it but in 1988 he had a train accident were he lost both his legs. He stated that he doesn't see himself as disabled but just physically challenged. “you have dreamed and today your dream came true but you haven’t reached your main goal but this is a good start to reach your destiny and this gives you hope for the future” he says, education is a key to everything even if you’re spoiled. He concluded his speech by saying” we all dream but it’s up to us to remain asleep or you wake up and chase your dream and make it come true.

 The graduates were awarded their certificates then professor Jansen gave a vote of thanks and told the graduates and everyone who was there that it is important for an individual to know what is right from wrong not by the color of the skin. Whatever decisions you have to come across it is important to do what is right and since the graduates were the education students who are going to become teachers he told them that it is important to make it on time at work and not to make excuses.  The band closed with the national anthem then we went our separate ways. That was all about the autumn graduations. 

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