come with a remote control, you need to
stand up and change it yourself
By Nomvula
Miss Chapeyane
is a twenty two years old female. She originally comes from Zimbabwe but is
here in South Africa to further her studies. She is a third year student at the
University of the Free State; she enrolled to Media studies in journalism. She stays at the Akasia hostel on campus. She usually
spends most of her time studying and doing assignments as the work load is very
hectic and she is looking forward in graduating so she keeps herself motivated
all the time because she has a vision for her life.
Her hobbies
are watching television, reading newspapers, listening to music. Every day when
she wakes up in the morning the first thing she does is pray to thank God for
giving her another day. She then fixes
herself a breakfast after taking a shower because she knows breakfast is a good
way to start a day. She then attends her classes according to the schedule of
the day, when she has free time she goes to the library and prepares for the
next class or makes notes for the upcoming test.
She stated
that the reason why she chose South Africa and not her country Zimbabwe to
further her educations is because, Zimbabwe has limited opportunities and it is
very hard especially for the students who study journalism, there is no freedom
of speech or freedom of expression in Zimbabwe everything is done according to
the word go of the president Mugabe.
Miss Chapeyane
is a very interesting student who associates herself with people who inspire
her and who share the same goal as hers. She wants to work here in South Africa
as an investigative journalist after graduating but does not mind working as a
journalist first but she specially want to work for a newspaper news room not
radio journalist because she is more passionate about writing. She wants to be
an investigative journalist because she wants to expose those who commit
corruption and her goal is to make South Africa a better place to live in. She
states that South Africa is a very interesting country because it is trying its
level best to get rid of discrimination and racism.
What makes
Miss Chapeyane different from other upcoming and current journalist is her
vision. Her aim is to give the most accurate news to the readers and to be the
voice for those who are voiceless. To be a strict watchdog of the government
and report any corruption that is being committed and not to take bribery from
anyone no matter what the circumstances might be because it is obvious to
anyone that journalist don’t earn much which she believes is the main reason
why they take bribes and not publish the accurate stories
Her final
advise she wants to give to those girls who look like her, who come from the
poor background is that “it is important to have dreams and see yourself as a
person you really want to be but the best thing is making that dream come true”
don’t let your background define you, change your life if you don’t like it
this is a free country and you have every right to study wherever you want and
do whatever you want. If you feel you don’t like how things are done don’t wait
for someone to come and change it, stand up and do it yourself or else you will
complain for the rest of your life and blaming other people. don't let life decide for you, we are all authors of our lives so its important to make sure the ending is what you have always wanted.
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